Launchpad Learning


Frequently asked questions

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Process of building and designing a set of instructions to tell computer what to do. Coding is required for any gadget to function, whether it be your car’s sensors, your phone or a drone.

Individuals who usually work in computer programming recognize the terms "coding" and "programming" as synonymous because both are often used interchangeably.

There are many articles on the internet discussing this. We are quoting 5 reasons from a recent article cbc published.

  • Improving your digital literacy is important
  • If you can learn a new language, you can learn to code.
  • It is a skill that will always be relevant
  • It makes you a creator of internet, from consumer of internet
  • It opens a world of possibilities

For the coding prebasics, course no programming experience is needed. For all other courses the requirements are listed under the course information. The requirement for coding can be waived, if a Launchpad's instructor is comfortable to do so after the readiness assessment.

We recommend bringing your own laptop so that you can save your work and work on it at home.

Ipads are acceptable for the prebasics course only. For any other course, we recommend getting a keyboard that can be used with your ipad.

Please go to our registrations page for enrollment procedure.

Our instructor will meet you or your kid to go through the readiness assement and ensure that the course will suit your needs.

Readiness assessment is a 15-30 minute session with one of our instructors. The instructor will ask about your past experience with programming and give examples of different codes from various level to understand what course will be the best fit for you.

We have various codes in scratch, python, c/c++, java, javascript, html and many more.

Yes, if after the readiness assessment the instructor feels that you are ready for it.

We accept cash, cheque, interac, direct deposit, credit and debit cards.

Yes. You can setup withdrawals from your credit card.

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